Caitlin Robb

Originally from Fife; I currently reside in Aberdeen, after recently graduating with a First Class BA(Hons) Contemporary Art Practice degree from Gray’s School of Art.
As a contemporary artist, I like to explore topics such as the natural world, anatomy, spirituality, and social issues. Currently, my practice is about death; particularly the taboo that surrounds it and my respect for other creatures. In the hope of strengthening my practice and understanding of death, I have been researching the rituals surrounding death in Scotland’s past and present-day cultures in other parts of the world.
The nature of my practice is interdisciplinary. I use a mixture of drawing, printmaking, analogue photography, ceramics, and poetry. Each of these traditional processes has its own unique attributes, but they are all connected by their ritualistic nature. I believe that being intimately involved in the making of the works, allows me to truly honour the dead.
I am motivated by empathy and reverence for the forgotten; the dead and other creatures, particularly those hurt by humanity. I use animal skulls, that have been ethically found or entrusted to me by friends, as the foundation of my practice to show reverence to these creatures, even in death.