In early 2018, I created a series of screen prints to portray for the deaths of animals caused by the meat, dairy and other industries. 
The Chickens
This demonstrates how the chickens are murdered in horrendous ways, such as beheading and electrocution. 

The Screen

The Sheep 
These prints are about honouring the deceased sheep, by treating them like we would a human, by arranging flowers such as the infamous carnation, around the skull of a sheep. The words inside the skull, are reminders of how sheep are often killed by humanity. Sadly, I have misspelled electrocuted as "electicuted".
The Mistreatment of Animals
Here I chose to explore the other areas of mistreatment of animals besides in death for meat, such the separation of mother and baby cows at birth.
The Sketchbook - development of ideas. 

The End Result - Milk: The Cause of Separation of Mother and Child Cow.  

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