Pinhole Camera : Lady Lazarus
May 5, 2017
This video is made of a sequence of pinhole photographs, most of which was altered in the darkroom. But then the photographs became abstract and eerie; some people see fire, some see water, and finally some have seen spirits. I used the poem Lady Lazarus, spoken by the poet Sylvia Plath herself, as the audio. I felt as though the words mimicked beautifully the feeling from these photographs.
Taxonomy - Hands
13 November 2017
An experimentation video focusing on the hands.
Hands are an important part of how we interact with the world around us.
This video focused on the hands of artists at work and the hands of people while in discussion.
( I would recommend, watching this without sound. )
26 November 2017
This video is an exploration of the concept of being a twin. It is about having a connection to another, but being aware of your own individual identity.
It discusses the fear behind twins and there being double of someone such as the myth of doppelgängers causing mischief.
Each item involved represents some part of our connection.